Tag Archives: rejection

The Blank Page…

img_1764The thing that probably most writers fear more then rejection slips is the blank page, I know I do.  It sits there taunting me begging me to fill it with ideas 💡 and words, but its newness makes me afraid to write something on it that might tarnish it.

Yesterday I told you about the character in my short story, Iris; when I was writing her dialogue I really felt as though I were writing her words and not mine, she came alive on the page and showed me the direction she wanted me to go in, I’d never experienced that before and it was liberating. The blank page didn’t frighten me, it was there to be filled and I was the person to fill it.

I have completed the first draft and will now leave Iris for a few weeks, the closing date for the competition is not until mid February so I have plenty of time to do rewrites and final touches.  But for now there is another blank page and competition calling to me, so armed with my pen I will approach this demon with caution and hope that another voice calls out to me from the shadows of the lines and let’s me tell their story.