Category Archives: Books

World Book Day…

I know it’s a bit early but I love World Book Day, at my school the children and staff all dress up as Book characters, with a few Super Heros and Disney Princesses thrown into the mix too. We have 12 classes and a prize is awarded to 1 child per class for the best/most creative costume.

Last year one of the boys came dressed as a character from the Cornelia Funke ‘Inkheart’ trilogy. His costume was simple, black trousers and jumper but his mum had carefully written words across one side of his face. I loved it and he won an award for the most original costume.

In the past we’ve had a homemade Tin Man, a Demon Dentist and a Cat in the Hat to name but a few. It’s a day where we celebrate all things bookish.

This year my class will be creating picture books and comics, we have a local author in to work with Year 6 and the other classes have lots of activities arranged to.

So Happy World Book Day for Thursday 📚