Tag Archives: catch up

What’s been going on?…

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged so I thought I’d catch up with you all…

March has not been a kind month to us and unfortunately I felt as though I had lost my writing mojo. 

The ironic thing is that last March wasn’t good either (for exactly the same reason) and after struggling for the best part of the year it was starting this blog and picking up my writing course again that gave me something to focus on.

I had to take a couple of weeks off sick leave at the beginning of the month and, hard though it was, I completed my 3rd assignment (I’m in the process of studying with The Writers Bureau). It took so much effort to get the work done, but it kept my mind focused and I got there eventually. I’ve now had the assignment back and once again the feedback was great and very encouraging, to the point where my tutor really thinks that I should be getting on with my manuscript.  That’s a good thing right? 😃

So as I sit here thinking about my next assignment I’m beginning to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel that I’ve been stuck in for the past few weeks. It’s time to get writing in My Little Book of Big Ideas and start entering some more short story competitions.

Here’s to assignment number 4, short story ideas and the beginning of my manuscript. 

I’m positive my mojo will come out of hiding eventually…